The 2022 IASP World Congress on Pain

On September 19-23, 2022 Marta representing Pain Lab participated in The 19th IASP World Congress on Pain in Toronto, Canada. The World Congress is devoted to scientific excellence, with compelling sessions and keynotes on the latest research. With more than 7,000 multidisciplinary attendees from over 100 countries and featuring more than 2200 poster abstract submissions and presentations, World Congress is a truly global event.

On Thursday, Sep 23, Marta presented her poster on how the progression of osteoarthritis is accompanied by chronic pain and depression. Thanks to all the co-authors!

We are also very very happy to share with you that Marta received Philip A. Spiegel Trainee Award. Congartulations to Marta! We are so proud of you! This award is given to the trainee with the highest score in the financial aid application process and facilitates travel and attendance at the IASP World Congress on Pain. As an award recipient, Marta was invited to the President’s Reception at Toronto’s iconic CN Tower. This was a great opportunity to build a new cooperation network and discuss our research results with other, more experienced researchers from all over the world. We’re coming back from the Congress with a solid dose of the latest knowledge about pain, reinforced scientific cooperation and strength for laboratory work.

We hope to see all the participants in 2024 in Amsterdam!

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