The 4th International Annual Congress on Controversies on Cannabis-Based Medicines in Frankfurt is a wrap!

Strong public and patient demand have led to the decision to allow cannabis products for medical use in most European countries. Med-Cannabis2023, which took place in Frankfurt from Dec 4-5, addressed the many controversies surrounding cannabis-based medicines.

The congress gave an update to the current state of knowledge and of controversies and to outline some visions of the potential of cannabis-based medicines. Profs. David Finn and Silviu Brill invited eminent physicians, researchers, clinicians and industry professionals to share their experience and address the many controversies surrounding cannabis-based medicines.

Med-Cannabis2023 brought together physicians, researchers, clinicians, trialists, methodologists, industry professionals, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, and national cannabis agencies to update the current state of knowledge and of controversies and to outline some visions of the potential of cannabis-based medicines.

Excellent presentation on new phytocannabinoids (link), pain-mood-cognition and role of endocannabinoid system are just a few examples of vibrant and interesting sessions. An update on status of medical cannabis and cannabinoids in UK, Israel, Italy and Poland started a great panel discussion on use and barriers to use of medical cannabis in Europe.

We thank prof. David Finn (University of Galway, Ireland) and dr Silviu Brill (Tel Aviv Medical Center, Israel), congress chairs, for organizing this meeting, as well all speakers and attendees for interesting, thought-provoking presentations. A huge thank you to EFIC for endorsing Med-Cannabis2023.

Med-Cannabis2023 was also a great occasion to catch up with friends and to visit Christmas Markets along Main river.

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