It’s that time of the year again! The beginning of a new year offers huge opportunity. It’s a chance to look at things with a fresh set of eyes.

It’s been extremely busy autumn for PainLab members. It all started with Kasia’s taking up a head position at Neurochemistry Department, driving us to leave our cosy positions at the Department of Pain Pharmacology. Even though it’s been a lot of hard work and stressful situations, thanks to generous support of Institute of Pharmacology, we managed to prepare new work places and transfer our equipment to the Department of Neurochemistry. Now we simply should get accustomed to this new environment. We can’t forget the warm welcome by the former Department’s members, who have prepared an office space for us, place for new cell culture lab and lab benches in laboratory, dedicating part of their current working space. We greatly appreciate it.

During relocation process, there were also some transitions among our team members. Magda, who has been the long-standing member of PainLab, had left seeking for a new adventure abroad. She has taken up a position of PhD student at the Institute of Genetics and Biophysic CNR in Naples. Meanwhile Marta has finally nested her place as a Master’s Student while Kuba promoted to a PhD student. That’s not all – starting with a new academic year 2017/2018, Przemysław Kac joined our team as another Master’s Student. This combination is probably making us the youngest team in the Institute of Pharmacology. With the beginning of the 2018 we welcomed Jakub Chwastek as a post-doc!

As we start 2018, all of us have to make a conscious choice about whether we will allow the past to colour our view of the future, simply learn from our experiences and take a fresh approach to focus on moving forward in a positive and constructive fashion.  This is a natural time of year for people to literally (and figuratively) turn the page on the calendar to start a new chapter. And so be it!  Let’s rock 2018!

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